Right Solution for Right Security
Secured Courier Transport Service
Our protective transport agents do not simply provide a car service. Certified and professionally trained through Invictus Training and Readiness Solutions, our drivers specialize in the safe, discreet transport of busy executives or VIPs to and from venues and events. Stress-free arrivals and departures, timely transports, and the highest-quality armored or unarmored vehicles are the hallmarks of our transport operations.
Our drivers and advance agents are knowledgeable of the operational area and specialize in coordinating with local law enforcement and venue personnel for smooth transitions. We are comfortable working with secure venues like entertainment settings, airports, and government facilities. Protective transport operations can be provided as a stand-alone service or as an add-on to other protective services the client requires for safety.
Our drivers are some of the most highly trained in the business and will ensure you travel in the utmost safety to your destination.
- Armed and Unarmed Protection
- Vetted and Trained
- Discreet Services as Required
- Actionable Intelligence Reporting
- Tailored to Your Lifestyle and Preferences